Contact Us (518) 587-4419

Law Office of Elena Jaffe Tastensen, PLLC

Elena has devoted her Capital District law practice exclusively to representing individuals in family and criminal matters. As a divorce attorney, she represents mothers and fathers in Family Courts across the Capital District in matters involving custody, visitation, paternity, abuse and neglect, orders of protection, child support, and spousal support. She has also represented husbands and wives in divorce actions in Supreme Courts across the region, including the issues of equitable distribution of marital property, sales of residences, and division of assets.

Learn more about the practice areas of our Capital District law office by visiting pages for: Divorce and Family Law, Collaborative Law, and Criminal Defense. You can also visit one of our FAQ pages to learn more about our process and more about our law practice.

To set up a confidential consultation, call us at 518-587-4419 or Contact Us by email today. We are proud to be able to offer a discount to active military and veterans of the US Armed Forces.

Lessening Conflict through Mediation

Elena Jaffe Tastensen is an attorney and mediator who fully understands the mediation process. Mediation is a process that seeks to help people...
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Resolving Disputes Respectfully

Collaborative Law has the same goal as mediation: It is a process that seeks to help people resolve their disputes respectfully, without the need for...
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Experienced Family Law Attorney

We represent individuals throughout the Capital District in divorce and family law cases in Supreme Court and Family Court. As an experienced...
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