Contact Us (518) 587-4419


For answers to FAQs about specific types of cases, such as Divorce and Family Law, Collaborative Law, Mediation, Criminal Defense, and Appeals, please visit those specific FAQ pages. This page is dedicated to more general questions about our practice.

Q. What kind of cases do you handle?

  • Divorce
  • Separation agreements
  • Prenuptial agreements
  • Custody
  • Child Support
  • Spousal support and maintenance (alimony)
  • Grandparent Parent custody
  • Grandparent visitation
  • Adoption
  • Orders of Protection
  • Qualified Domestic Relations Orders
  • Paternity
  • Modifications to agreements or current orders
  • Violations of agreements or orders
  • Mediation
  • Collaborative Law
  • Divorce and Family Law
  • Criminal Defense
  • Traffic Violations
  • Appeals

Q. How much is my case going to cost?

A. That depends. You will most likely be required to pay a retainer upfront. A retainer is a lump sum determined by the attorney on a case by case basis, and depends on the complexity of your matter, how likely it is to go trial, and the estimated amount of time it will take to prepare and conclude your matter. Some cases, like traffic matters and mediation, have a flat fee.

Q. Do you take credit cards?

A. Yes. You can pay by check, cash, or credit card.
